Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Excellent Communication Leads to Higher Career Success

“Communication is the grease that keeps the gear moving.” Wise words from the renown motivational speaker, TV & radio host, & “America’s trusted voice on money and business” Dave Ramsey. Along with the authors of this course’s textbook, and Ramsey, I completely agree in that excellent communication is absolutely imperative for higher success in one’s career. Communication, a 2-way street that includes both sending and listening to messages, is necessary for every job and occupation, minimizes risk of physical harm, minimizes risk of mistakes, maximizes one’s ability to perform their job to its fullest, maximizes your future career potential.

Communication is defined as the sending and receiving of information.  Often times people think of communication more as solely the sending of messages and overlook the receiving of them.  The father of modern management, Peter Drucker once said that “It is the recipient who communicates. The so-called communicator, the person who emits the communication, does not communicate. He utters. Unless there is someone who hears...there is only noise.” The skill and art of listening is regarded to as even more important than sending messages themselves. Around the year 45 A.D the leader of the Jerusalem church, James, in a letter to other church leaders at the time wrote, “Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry (James 1:19).” This shows that listening has always been an integral process of healthy communication (especially in management or in the business setting). This back and forth of sending and receiving signals is something that everyone will encounter countless times, daily, in any occupation. As mentioned in the textbook, “One cannot not communicate.” Everything from clothing, to facial expressions, to body posture sends signals to others. With this constant communication that happens between humans comes a greater need to increase our communication skills to better our relationships and career success in the workplace.

Working in the field of law enforcement or in the armed forces, communication is extremely vital as it plays a role in life and death situations. Poor communication was one of the more common reasons for shooting errors by officers, cited by the Los Angeles Police Department. Communications in the health care industry, whether management or care/treatment, physically makes a huge impact on every patient and employee. In a study prior to 2013, a major hospital accreditation group found that communication errors leading to medical errors can cause up to 98,000 deaths each year. These two examples illustrate how efficient communication can lead to a minimization of errors in the work place. Specifically in the listening category of communication, good listeners ask questions until the messages are clear to them. Even within basic simple demonstrations in our class last week, we saw that the task of folding paper is difficult if there is not sufficient guidance and clarity. If a class of students cannot fold scrap paper correctly without efficient communications, why do people in the workplace think that can succeed without improving their communications skills?

The top 5 qualities/skills that employers want, are typically listed as: ability to work in a team, verbal communication skills, ability to make decisions and problem solve, ability to obtain and process information, ability to plan, organize, and prioritize work. The one skill in that list, in which the 4 other skills stem from is verbal communication. Efficient communications:
1) enhance one’s ability to build team cohesiveness
2) increase one’s ability to make good judgment when decision   making and problem solving
3) increase your ability to obtain and process accurate information>
4) and aid in efficiently planning and organizing work

These skills are all a result of excellent communications, which is absolutely imperative for higher success in the work place. 

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